Saturday, November 21, 2009

Whoo Hoo!!! Goal Acheived

I had my piano lesson today and received the result of my exam.  I passed with a B.  I am over the moon.  I thought I did OK but a B is more than I could ask for.  My teacher presented me with the examiners notes and my certificate.  We read through it and I could pretty much say that it reflected what I felt had happened in my last blog.  I was a bit disappointed with my melody because I just got a big cross which meant I didn't do any of it right but I kind of knew that.  Just thought I might have at least got the first couple of notes right.  Anyway overall I am stoked. 
The one thing that stood out the most is that my tone, (light and shade) needed more work.  This, I feel would be much improved if I were playing on a piano instead of a keyboard, but I think I did well considering that I do only play a keyboard and not a piano.  One day I am hoping that this will be different, but for now I have to work with what I have. 
My teacher and I took a look at the Second grade syllabus and worked out basically what I might like to do.  I have the Grade 2 series 15 booklet, so I picked my list A, B, & C pieces,  and I have two open pieces that I can do.  I have chosen to do a Jazz piece which I really liked the sound of, and the second open piece I haven't decided on yet.  They have quite a lot to choose from so I will have to have a listen to a few before I make a decision.  Anyway its a great feeling knowing even though I'm a stay at home mum I can still set myself some personal goals and achieve much more than I ever dreamed, regardless of whether anyone thinks its worth anything or not.  
I want to thank my old teacher Gwen and my new teacher Maria, for their great guidance and teaching.  Without them I would not have thought this at all possible for me to do.  Their encouragement and ability to see some potential in me gave me a lot of hope, I just pray that I can continue to work to the standard that will represent all their hard work that they invest in me. 

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