Sunday, November 14, 2010

Grade 2 piano exam done

I sat my exam on Friday (12/11/2010).  I was so nervous once I got in there, its like my blood just rushed to my head and I couldn't think straight.  Adrenaline kicked in and my hands just started shaking, my heart was beating like it was going to come out of my chest and I couldn't relax.  Taking in deep breaths didn't help.  My fingers just felt like jelly. 

I went through my technical stuff.  Some scales went good and some not so good.  My fingers kind of got twisted up in themselves.  I asked a couple of times if I could start again.  Not so good. 
I started my pieces.  Menuet was like a nightmare.  I started it twice and stuffed up both times but on the second one I just thought I am going to keep going no matter what.  Next I did A little flower.  That went ok, I got through from start to finish without a mistake.  Same with the Miniature Prelude and a slight hesitation between two notes in Miniature Fugue, but I was happy with those because I completed them. 

My theory seemed alright and my rhythm clapping, pitch, and singing went ok.  Then I had a choice of the extra pieces so I chose Chagrin d'enfant which I felt more confident with and that went well too. 

Overall I did most things ok, but not sure if I have done enough to pass.  Now the waiting game begins.  I couldn't sleep that night thinking about what happened, going over things in my head.  I am hoping that what may have seemed like a disaster to me, didn't come across that badly to the examiner.  Time will tell.

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