Sunday, November 21, 2010

The wait is over

Arrived at my piano lesson on Saturday and my teacher sat me down with a big smile on her face and read out my exam result.  I had passed my exam......(phew)......with a C+.  She told me she had been checking the internet all week for the results and found out on Thursday.  She only got the grade, as the comment sheet and certificate had not been sent out to her yet.  It was a welcome relief, as I was in two minds whether I had done enough.  I am really happy with a C+ because I know that that is a good overall mark considering my performance.  As I mentioned in the previous post that I had made some errors because of my nerves.  I will be interested to read the examiners comments as they are a really good indication of what needs improving and what was done well.  I am really thankful to Maria, my teacher, for her great guidance and encouragement, because if it weren't for her I would not have come this far.  Also for the encouragement and prayers of family and friends.

So after some discussion about the exam result Maria asked me what I would like to do now.  I told her that I would like to do grade 3, but I also want to learn some different styles and add more pieces to my repertoire.  So we looked at the syllabus for grade 3, looked at some pieces from my grade 1 series 16 book that I have but have not learned any pieces from.  We looked at doing some pieces from my Getting to grade 2 book which has an accompanying CD.  This is a really good book because the CD has an amazing little piece of software on it that slows each piece down to a speed you can learn it. 

We also chose some books that might be useful for me to get.  The Getting to grade 3 book by Elissa Milne was one, and a Hanons finger exercises book, to strengthen my fingers more, was another.  A sight reading book would be good too.  Maria has the AMEB series 15 grade 3 book and CD, so I think I might have a listen to what the pieces are like in that one and get the series 16 book, so I have a wide variety of choice.  I must also get myself a metronome because I really need it to do the finger exercises at the right speeds.

Our final idea was that maybe I should give myself a little longer before I sit the next exam so I can concentrate on learning more pieces and styles rather than just limiting myself to exam stuff, but for now I am enjoying the fact that I have done a lot of hard work and it has paid off.  I know I could have done better on the day, but whatever I did on that day was meant to happen to show me what I was lacking under pressure.  I just need to take the good and the bad and learn from it. I mean, I could have done worse too.  Now I can enjoy playing my piano without the pressure for a while.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Grade 2 piano exam done

I sat my exam on Friday (12/11/2010).  I was so nervous once I got in there, its like my blood just rushed to my head and I couldn't think straight.  Adrenaline kicked in and my hands just started shaking, my heart was beating like it was going to come out of my chest and I couldn't relax.  Taking in deep breaths didn't help.  My fingers just felt like jelly. 

I went through my technical stuff.  Some scales went good and some not so good.  My fingers kind of got twisted up in themselves.  I asked a couple of times if I could start again.  Not so good. 
I started my pieces.  Menuet was like a nightmare.  I started it twice and stuffed up both times but on the second one I just thought I am going to keep going no matter what.  Next I did A little flower.  That went ok, I got through from start to finish without a mistake.  Same with the Miniature Prelude and a slight hesitation between two notes in Miniature Fugue, but I was happy with those because I completed them. 

My theory seemed alright and my rhythm clapping, pitch, and singing went ok.  Then I had a choice of the extra pieces so I chose Chagrin d'enfant which I felt more confident with and that went well too. 

Overall I did most things ok, but not sure if I have done enough to pass.  Now the waiting game begins.  I couldn't sleep that night thinking about what happened, going over things in my head.  I am hoping that what may have seemed like a disaster to me, didn't come across that badly to the examiner.  Time will tell.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another Piece

In addition to the previous post, I have another piece that I have recorded myself playing.  It is Two Part Intention by Kerin Bailey.  This is a swing/jazz piece which I have really enjoyed learning for my exam, which is coming up in two days.  Its upbeat but has a real relaxed feel about it.  Well here it is.  Hope you like it.

I am fairly happy with the way this one is going.  Hopefully I can do it as good in the exam.... (nervously chewing away at my fingernails)...... I've been practicing heaps but at this point I never think its enough.