Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Up and running


I'm Stitcheroonie. I'm a new blogger so please be gentle with me. Everyone seems to be so into blogging so I thought I might give it a try myself. Hopefully I'm not too boring for you. I suppose I should share a little bit about myself.

I am a stay-at-home mum of one 3 year old son. He keeps me very busy, but is at an age where I can do some things while he plays with his toys. I love playing the piano, which I have been taking lessons for the last two and a half years, (I should have started the lessons years ago, but the opportunity is now so I take it.) I also love cross-stitching and photography. Scrapbooking has been a new addition to my hobbies. I have so many photos I need a new house to keep them in, so scrapbooking seemed like a great addition to it.

Would love to hear from anyone with similar interests.

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