Friday, September 18, 2009

Impressing with the flow

Hi again,

Been a few days that I have written something so here goes. 

I have been trying to get in a bit of piano practice, but have had a couple of busy days.  I also have to contend with a 3 year old jumping onto my lap every time I switch the keyboard on.  It is frustrating beyond measure, but it also helps me to keep playing even when there are major distractions going on around me.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. 

At the moment I am working at trying to get 'Les plaintes d'une poupee' to flow better between the changes, as the first section is repeated three times during the piece, but the parts in between them are dramatically different to the sweet and smooth feel of these parts. When I had to play it during my lesson, it just didnt come together well at all.  It seems to me that maybe it has a little to do with the difference in the touch of the piano keys, but also the fact that I am playing it in front of someone that I want to impress and show that  I have been practicing it and have improved.  I love the solemness of bars 29-44.  I have to work hard to get the notes to flow as well as bringing in some variance in volume.  Its a little tricky for me, but its coming together a little bit better each time I play.

Skachka and Light Blue are coming along OK I guess, but Skachka still catches me out every now and again.  Sometimes I lose that galloping feeling and start pressing the first two notes at the same time instead of keeping them separated.  With the increase of speed comes the shorter time between the notes and therefore more chance of playing them together.  Must stop myself and make a mental note of the fact that I have done it and play it again slower until I stop doing it, otherwise I think it might become a bad habit that is hard to break.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Piano practice

I mentioned in my above post that I am taking piano lessons.  I am booked in to do my grade one piano exam on the 13 Nov 09.  Its getting closer and I really need to knuckle down and practice.  You probably think, big whoop its only grade one, but it will be a big achievement for me.  Being a stay at home mum, I really wanted to keep my mind active and alert with something that might some day be a career thing.  Not sure how far I will go with that, but its a thought.

I decided it might be a good idea

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Up and running


I'm Stitcheroonie. I'm a new blogger so please be gentle with me. Everyone seems to be so into blogging so I thought I might give it a try myself. Hopefully I'm not too boring for you. I suppose I should share a little bit about myself.

I am a stay-at-home mum of one 3 year old son. He keeps me very busy, but is at an age where I can do some things while he plays with his toys. I love playing the piano, which I have been taking lessons for the last two and a half years, (I should have started the lessons years ago, but the opportunity is now so I take it.) I also love cross-stitching and photography. Scrapbooking has been a new addition to my hobbies. I have so many photos I need a new house to keep them in, so scrapbooking seemed like a great addition to it.

Would love to hear from anyone with similar interests.