Friday, January 28, 2011

A new year

We are now well into the new year.  All the festivities are over and done with, but I really haven't done much practice piano wise over the break.  I think its because I feel a bit lost now, having done the exam and passed, it seems that even though I have been given some things to have a try at over the break, I have only just had a little bit of time at the piano.  Lessons start back on the 5th of Feb so my motivation will pick up then.  They may be expensive but I realise that that is what keeps me progressing and pressing on. 

I am looking forward to starting with all the new stuff, but it looks quite a lot harder than the previous work.  I still haven't decided on all the pieces I want to do yet but I have both the series 16 Grade three book and the Getting to grade three work book, by Hal Leonard.  These both contain pieces that I can choose from.  I am still trying to get hold of the Hanons exercise workbook which I have ordered but it hasn't come in yet, and I have a sight reading book waiting for me to pick up when the Hanons book comes in.  I am hoping that these will help me improve the technical side of my playing.

I have had a try at some of the new scales that I have to learn, those being B flat major, F sharp minor, in similar and contrary motion.  I now have to do my scales in staccato as well.  I had a short try of a couple of bars of one of the pieces that I like, but apart from these I haven't really done much but that will all change by my next post.