Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Me playing one of my pieces

I figured since I have the ability to record what I am playing on my old keyboard, that I should make use of it.  I have recorded myself playing Chagrin d'enfant and A little flower then transferred it to my mp3 player and then put it onto my computer.  Ah technology is so much fun.  
So now I am going to try and put one on here.  Lets see how I go.

Oh joy!!!!!........ it worked.
Well that was my rendition of Chagrin d'enfant.  I still need to do a lot more work on the tonal qualities of it and iron out the little bugs, but overall I am happy that I can play it from start to end now.  I am supposed to play this with sustain pedal but unfortunately the keyboard I played it on doesn't have a pedal. I do play it with sustain on my digital piano but I cant record on that one.  Oh well, thems the breaks.