Saturday, October 17, 2009

Mid week practice

I had an awesome practice time on Thursday this week.  I went to my piano teachers house and played on her piano for an hour and a half.  It was so good to be able to play without any distractions or kids jumping on me,  and no one looking over my shoulder.  It was so peaceful and really helpful, so much so, that I think it reflected in my lesson this week.  The majority of what I played come out good, surprising even myself. 

We did a bit of sight reading and aural work this week.  The clapping exercises were all good.  Pieces where I sing the end note were spot on, but when it came to singing the whole bar or two of notes, it all fell apart.    Not sure if its the major lack of confidence when it comes to my singing voice or whether its the short amount of time you get to sing it back.  My sight reading needs major work too especially in the Bass Clef (left hand).  I think the timing of the pieces doesn't pose too much of a problem here, but mainly the note recognition and hand positioning that best suits the notes within the piece.  Need to work more on these problem areas.

I also had the marvelous opportunity to play on $150,000AUD Steinway Grand piano yesterday.  It was beautiful to play and the sound that emitted from it was gentle to my ears, (with the exception of my mistakes that didn't do the poor thing much justice).  In the hands of a maestro it would sound majestic.  I'm a long, long, long way off that, but I can dream cant I.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Shakin like a jelly

Hi all,

After a 3 week break from piano lessons, I started back today.  I received the details about my exam which happens on the 13 Nov this year.  Not too long to go now.  Found out that the exam will only go for 14 minutes, but I reckon it will be the longest 14 minutes ever.

I really did enjoy my lesson today.  Its so nice to play on a proper piano, but boy my nerves keep kicking in just when I don't need them to.  I have to keep telling myself, I can do it, otherwise my fingers just shake so much that I can barely push the keys.  It did happen today, but amazingly I pushed through it.  I did manage to complete my piece and at the end of it my teacher was so encouraging, she gave me a clap. 

My heart was soaring and I was so relieved that I actually finished it regardless of the shaking, but this was only after attempting it for the second time.  The first time I tried to do the right thing and refer to my music sheet, but for some reason I felt that it distracted more than it helped.  I decided that I will do it like I practice it at home, and use my memory instead and that is how I got through it.  We also worked on some theory relating to each piece that I  played.  Next week its some aural practice ahhhh!!!!  Not a fan of singing notes accapala.

My teacher and I have discussed the option of me coming to use her piano to practice on during the next few weeks till the exam, so I am hoping that I can do this because I feel it will really help me.  Will report back on how this all goes, until then its practice, practice, practice on my keyboard.